Leadership in MOTION Podcast Series

In this series, we talk to emerging and established occupational therapists to learn how they develop their leaderships skills. Leadership does not belong exclusively to major figureheads in the profession. Occupational therapists from any level of experience and area of practice can 

demonstrate leadership in their everyday work. 

Leadership in MOTION’s guests range from 5 to 30+ years of experience and each guest has a unique leadership journey to share.

Becoming a mentor, strategies to approach leaders you admire, promoting occupational therapy in new work environments, and learning to juggle differing opinions are just a few topics discussed in Leadership in MOTION!

Leadership in MOTION! podcasts are downloadable to a computer or smartphone and are between 25 and 45 minutes in length. Downloading is free and easy!

Listen to all available episodes:

Series Introduction - Welcome to Leadership in MOTION!
Episode 1 – Learning to Lead with Laura Hayos
Episode 2 - Beginning Your Leadership Journey with Laura Stanley
Episode 3 - The Value of Mentorship with Lauren Okell
Episode 4 - The Client-Centred Leader with April Belbeck

Listen on your preferred platform below: