Event Listing

OSOT - Two-Way Reminder Systems to Support ADLs for Adults With Cognitive Impairments

Jennifer Berg-Carnegie (she/her), OT Reg. (Ont.)
Start Date
End Date

Four McMaster occupational therapy students partnered with Invisible Care to investigate evaluating clinical expertise, client values, and best available evidence in message framing. The researchers' scoping review highlighted that literature on two-way reminder systems supporting ADLs for adults with cognitive impairments focuses on three main areas: feasibility, stakeholder satisfaction, and efficacy. The findings from this review indicate that two-way reminder systems yield positive outcomes for ADL participation in clients with cognitive impairments and that stakeholders are generally satisfied with these systems. This webinar will review these research findings and the client's positive and negative experiences with this two-way reminder system.
Learning objectives: Review affects of cognitive impairments on preforming ADLs. Discuss ongoing expansion of technology and research on cognitive rehabilitation. Discuss challenges with research and speed of new technology. Review compensatory technologies to support ADLs. Discuss client experience using systems.
Complimentary for OSOT members. $25 + HST for non-members.