Dispatching OTs: Responding to the Mental Health Needs of First Responders Podcast Series

Occupational therapists are well positioned to support first responders and public safety personnel with the use of functional treatment approaches that emphasize coordinating the fit between the individual, their work responsibilities, and the workplace environment. Each episode features experienced OTs sharing their clinical reasoning, successes, and challenges when working with this important population.

Listen to the available episodes:
Series Trailer:
Welcome to Dispatching OTs
Episode 1: Navigating the Unique First Responder Culture
Episode 2: Exploring an Occupation and Trauma Framework
Episode 3: Customizing Your Clinical Approach: From the General to the Specific
Episode 4: Building Resilience for Yourself and Your Clients
Episode 5: Developing a Roadmap for Treatment Through Assessment
Episode 6: Establishing a Foundation for Recovery: Getting off the Rollercoaster
Episode 7: Exploring the Nervous System Using a Polyvagal Approach
Episode 8: Facing Fears Through Exposure Therapy
Episode 9: Addressing Challenging Clinical Scenarios

This series is produced by the Ontario Society of Occupational Therapists' Workplace Mental Health Task Force.

Please note: This podcast is for informational purposes only. While some of the information may be generalized to other clients/situations, it is not intended to be used as clinical advice at any time. Any health professional listening to this podcast is required to use their clinical judgement and make their own decisions for best care for their clients.

Furthermore, the information provided and/or opinions expressed by the members of this podcast are strictly applicable to the specific client(s)/situation(s) to which they are referring to. The members of this podcast and OSOT waive all liabilities relating to listeners’ use or distribution of this information for any purpose other than what it is intended for.