
To promote opportunities in research activities and online surveys relating to occupational therapy, the Society offers space in OSOT's weekly member update email to all OSOT members which includes project descriptions and links to online surveys. In addition, the Society will post this information to the OSOT website and one social media post.

For more details and to send in your research survey for publication, please see our order form.

The following posts have been purchased by the researchers to access OSOT membership. While posting does not imply OSOT partnership or sponsorship, we encourage members to participate!

Enacting collaborative relationship-focused care in occupational therapy: A study on the risks and benefits of humour use with clients who have sustained a stroke

Principal Investigator: Carrie Anne Marshall, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.) 

Co-Investigators: Debbie Rudman, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.) and Julie Aitken Schermer, PhD

Purpose and description of study:
The use of humour may allow clinicians to build therapeutic connection and promote reciprocity in their work with clients. Humour, if used in ways that are socially positive, may be a component of enhancing relationships and coping after a stroke. Some research points toward the multidimensional functions of humour in stroke rehabilitation, although little is known about the use of humour within occupational therapy specifically.

It is proposed that the use of humour can enrich the therapeutic process and facilitate positive rehabilitation outcomes, as the profession moves beyond client-centered care and into a space of collaborative relationship-focused care. Participation in this study includes a one-on-one interview with the study lead, Marisa Kfrerer, an occupational therapist and PhD candidate at Western University. The questions asked in the interview will be open-ended and will focus on your thoughts/experiences with using humour with clients after a stroke, and what you believe may impact your use of humour with clients. This interview should take approximately 60 minutes and will be conducted virtually. 

Target audience for participation:
Occupational therapists with 2 years' experience in stroke care at any point in their career.

Letter of Information and Consent Form to Complete

Please contact Marisa Kfrerer for any questions or additional information. 

Deadline to participate: July 31, 2024