Age-Friendly Communities
The resources on age-friendly communities (AFCs) have been curated by the OSOT Retired Members' Team. The primary objective of OSOT's Retired Members’ Team is: “To reach out to and encourage retired OTs, who are no longer registered to practice, to use their education, skills, and experience to contribute to their communities.”
Why is the OSOT Retired Members’ Team focusing on Age-Friendly Communities?
The key domains of AFCs are congruent with the practice of occupational therapy and relevant to the lives of older, retired OTs.
What are Age-Friendly Communities?
AFCs provide physical, social, and service environments that enable older people and people of all ages to live in security, enjoy good health, and participate in society.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified eight key domains of community life that can become more age-friendly. These domains are: outdoor spaces and buildings; housing; respect and social inclusion; communication and information; transportation; social participation; civic participation and employment; community support and health services.