2022 Archived Webinars

The list below is our extensive collection of archived webinars. Some webinars are complimentary to members while others have a discounted fee. Members will need to log into our site in order to receive the member rate and non-members will be asked to create a website account in order to make a purchase. 

Once you have selected one or more webinars from the available categories on the left menu, you can complete the order process by clicking on the "Proceed to Checkout" button or the "CART" icon at the top of the page. Instructions to access the webinar along with links to any resource material will be provided on the confirmation page as well as in a separate email that will be sent to you immediately following the transaction.

All Webinars

Am I Ready for a Student? A Primer in Becoming a Preceptor

PRESENTED BY: Anne Hunt, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.) and Naomi Davids-Brumer, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Identify opportunities for preceptorship in your practice.
  • Understand the process of taking on an occupational therapy learner.
  • Understand how to support occupational therapy learners in a fieldwork placement 4.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

An Opportunity for OTs in the Ontario Autism Program

PRESENTED BY: Jessica Bethel, MEd., Director, OAP Provider List and Karie Evelyn, Service Navigator, Autism Ontario

  • Learn about the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) and the OAP Provider List.
  • Understand how occupational therapists play an integral role in providing services to children with autism.
  • Discover how to get involved.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

An OTs Role with Veterans Affairs Canada

PRESENTED BY: Julie St-Jean, OT Reg. (Ont.) and Kristin Dingman-Price, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Learn about the OT Services Revolution at Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC).
  • Familiarize yourself with the role of the Area Occupational Therapist at VAC, the primary contact for community OTs.
  • Learn how to become a Fee for Service OT and what that role entails.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Call for Patient Reported Outcome Measures: Using the COPM

PRESENTED BY: Dr. Helene Polatajko, Professor Emeritus, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.), OT(C), FCAOT, FCAHS, OC, and Beth Linkewich, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Understand what a Patient Reported Outcome Measure (PROM) is and how it is used in the health system.
  • Describe the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM).
  • Learn how to identify the COPM as a PROM.

Non-Member Price: 50.00
Member price: 25.00

En-AGE: Staying Socially Connected

PRESENTED BY: Barry Trentham, PhD and Catherine Donnelly, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Better appreciate the impact of social isolation on the health and well-being of older persons.
  • Identify the challenges faced by older persons to remain socially active.
  • Learn about strategies used by occupational therapists to support older adults in their efforts to remain socially active with a focus on the OASIS project.
  • Learn about the concept of NORCs (naturally occurring retirement communities) and how occupational therapist can become involved.
  • Familiarize participants on the use of the En-AGE Website to support knowledge sharing and dissemination.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

How a Neurofunctional Approach Can Help Treatment Planning

PRESENTED BY: Tracy Milner, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Identify common challenges with existing approaches to understanding and treating cognitive impairment.
  • Understand neurofunction and how it can improve clinical investigation and treatment planning.
  • Learn how to incorporate the neurofunctional approach into your clinical practice.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Making Our Communities Age-Friendly

PRESENTED BY: Briana Zur, PhD and Elizabeth Steggles, Co-Chair, OSOT's Retired Members' Team

  • Learn about age-friendly communities (AFCs).
  • Understand how AFCs align with occupational therapy.
  • Discuss ways to advocate for your city or municipality to become age-friendly.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

March of Dimes: Assistive Technology Support and Funding

PRESENTED BY: Jamie Suderman, Program Manager, March of Dimes

  • Provide an overview of March of Dime Canada services/programs.
  • Learn about the Tech for Good program.
  • Explore funding for technology.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Psychotherapy Supervision: Expectations

PRESENTED BY: Gord Hirano, M.Sc., B.H.Sc. (OT), OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • OT Psychotherapy Supervisee expectations: Finding a supervisor, ensuring appropriate level of supervision, understanding the supervision agreement, establishing a supervision plan and record, client communication and transitions in supervision.
  • OT Psychotherapy Supervisor expectations: Ensuring supervisor experience and competence and training, accountability, supervision notes, supervision agreement.
  • The supervision agreement: key components.

Non-Member Price: 50.00
Member price: 25.00

The Rollercoaster of Entrepreneurship

PRESENTED BY: Carol MacDonald, President & Co-Founder, Gotcare

  • Identifying the problem when starting/owning/operating one's own business.
  • Co-creating and iterating on the solution.
  • Learning about the transformation as opposed to the disruption in the entrepreneurs' vision and mission.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

The Seating and Mobility Provision Process

PRESENTED BY: Marlene Adams, OT Reg. (Ont.) and Brenlee Mogul-Rotman, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Review seating and mobility provision process best practice.
  • Explain the importance of consistent and objective data collection.
  • Share strategies for involving the client and industry team members.
  • Introduce OSOT's Seating and Mobility Provision Process infographic and provide suggestions of how to incorporate it into practice.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Transitional Care Plan During the COVID Pandemic Tool

PRESENTED BY: Jillian McConnell, Knowledge Mobilization Lead, brainXchange, Katelynn Aelick, Project Coordinator, Behavioural Supports Ontario, Provincial Coordinating Office, North Bay Regional Health Centre, and Kim Schryburt-Brown, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Introduce the 'My Transitional Care Plan during the COVID-19 Pandemic (MTCP-C19)' tool.
  • Reflect on the unique challenges when supporting individuals to transition across care settings during the pandemic and ways these can take place more seamlessly in the future by fostering better communication and information sharing around critical information normally lost in transitions.
  • Identify the critical elements needed to support transitions into long-term care and retirement homes for older adults living with dementia, complex mental health, substance use, and other neurological conditions.
  • Discuss the important role that occupational therapists play in facilitating transitions and equip them with a new tool they may consider incorporating into their practice.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Virtual Reality in Occupational Therapy

PRESENTED BY: Kelly Wendt, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Learn about the benefit of virtual reality for cognitive, physical, and psychological impairment.
  • Investigate specific products/games, their application, and funding considerations.
  • Explore case examples of use.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Vitamin N(ature): An OT's Prescription

PRESENTED BY: Anne Robillard, OT

  • Learn about health and well-being benefits of nature.
  • Understand social prescribing.
  • Introduce the PaRx: A Prescription for Nature process.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00


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