OSOT can be your ‘one stop shop’ to easily access PD via various platforms including in person
networking options and through e-learning. Become familiar with OSOT's ongoing PD offerings which include:
OSOT's Annual Conference
Workshops and Webinars
AAACEU - Online Continuing Education
- AAACEUs is a US-based organization that provides education for healthcare professionals. Though not all of the content may be relevant to Canadian audiences - all courses related to Life Care Planning are approved for CCLCP certification.
- OSOT members receive a 20% discount.
- Learn more.
OSOT has two podcast series:
- New OTs on the Block - engaging occupational therapy students and new graduates with information to help them succeed after graduation
- Leadership in Motion - celebrating the incredible achievements of occupational therapists as leaders. From emerging leaders to well established and respected heads of organizations.
Other Workshops & Courses
Supporting your Annual Professional Development Planning
Contribute to OSOT Professional Development Programming
- Do you have any webinar or workshop topic ideas? Do you have speakers you would highly recommend?
- Let your PD and practice support needs be known! We work to be as member driven as possible and are best informed when members share their needs freely.
- Share your needs and interests today - email osot@osot.on.ca