Event Listing

Long COVID and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS): An occupational therapy

Jennifer Mauritz, Reg. OT (BC) and Jennifer Hodges, Reg. OT (BC)
Start Date
End Date

Approximately 11.7% of Canadians meet the criteria for long COVID (Statistics Canada, 2023), and 1.4% are diagnosed with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS; Statistics Canada, 2015). It is highly likely that occupational therapists will encounter clients with these invisible, dynamic disabilities in their practice, as long COVID and ME/CFS significantly impact all areas of daily life (von Zweck et al., 2023). Current best practice involves a symptom management approach (NICE guidelines, 2021), in which occupational therapists play a vital role within interdisciplinary teams. By applying best practices in symptom management, occupational therapists can empower their clients to safely and sustainably participate in occupations that align with their strengths and unique needs.
This one-day workshop aims to provide occupational therapists with a comprehensive understanding of long COVID and myalgic encephalomyelitis /chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), along with practical resources to enhance therapy outcomes. The diagnostic criteria for long COVID and ME/CFS will be examined within the context of post-viral illness. Various intervention approaches that fall within the occupational therapy scope will be discussed, including a critical examination of interventions like graded exercise therapy. Relevant screening tools and assessments will be explored to identify symptoms impacting occupational participation, such as nervous system activation, pain, and post-exertional malaise. The unique role of occupational therapy in symptom management and addressing the challenges faced by individuals with long COVID and ME/CFS will be highlighted. Participants will learn about the flexible PACE (Plan, Adapt, Cope, Engage) approach to support clients in managing their symptoms, dispelling myths, fostering collaboration, designing accommodations and return-to-work plans, and promoting occupational participation. Small group discussions in breakout rooms and case studies will be used throughout the workshop to support participants in applying the information learned in this workshop to their practice. Please note: Each participant is responsible to ensure they apply the information within the context of their licensure, provincial/territorial legislations, institution regulations, scope of practice, etc.
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Describe diagnostic criteria for long COVID and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Define post-exertional malaise (PEM) and recognize early onset symptoms of exertion and their potential impact on occupational participation. Understand current practices and apply evidence-based strategies in symptom management for long COVID and ME/CFS. Start using the PACE (Plan, Adapt, Cope, Engage) approach for collaborative relationship-focused occupational therapy. Apply acquired knowledge to select appropriate assessments and outline individualized occupational therapy plans for clients with long COVID and ME/CFS. Develop a safe progression plan to promote occupational participation without triggering PEM.