OSOT Occupational Therapy Interest Group Directory
Networking is an important professional activity that OSOT is vested to facilitiate. As practice patterns increasingly isolate therapists in independent practice situations, the need to seek networks becomes important. To assist you to find sources for clinical problem solving, sharing of best practice, practice management consultation, etc. OSOT publishes known interest groups and networks that serve the needs of occupational therapists.
Interest Groups identified in the following list are not affiliated with OSOT and may in some cases be multi-disciplinary in structure. What is commonly shared is an interest in the topic area and a commitment to sharing. Inclusion in the OSOT Interest Group list is voluntary. Groups identified on the list welcome questions and contact from members across the province.
If you are aware of changes to any of the following information or, if you are aware of a group that is not listed, please identify this to the OSOT office.
Interest Groups are listed by geographic region, but don’t hesitate to scroll through the entire list – with email and teleconferencing, networking across the province is easy!