
The list below is our extensive collection of archived webinars. Some webinars are complimentary to members while others have a discounted fee. Members will need to log into our site in order to receive the member rate and non-members will be asked to create a website account in order to make a purchase. 

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All Webinars

Addictions 101

PRESENTED BY: Tammy Heise, RN, BN, CPMHN (C) and Elle Diniz, BSc, MSc

  • Stigma in addiction.
  • Addictions as a disease.
  • Opioid crisis - the facts.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Call for Patient Reported Outcome Measures: Using the COPM

PRESENTED BY: Dr. Helene Polatajko, Professor Emeritus, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.), OT(C), FCAOT, FCAHS, OC, and Beth Linkewich, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Understand what a Patient Reported Outcome Measure (PROM) is and how it is used in the health system.
  • Describe the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM).
  • Learn how to identify the COPM as a PROM.

Non-Member Price: 50.00
Member price: 25.00

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT-I) for Insomnia Protocol

PRESENTED BY: Nicole Nadeau, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • The importance of sleep.
  • Overview of the protocol.
  • Considerations for special populations (with case study).

Non-Member Price: 50.00
Member price: 25.00

Driver Reporting

PRESENTED BY: Elizabeth Weldon, Ministry of Transportation, Amie Enns, OT Reg. (Ont.) and Nellemarie Hyde, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Overview of both mandatory and discretionary provisions.
  • Overview of review process and how licensing decisions are made.
  • Overview of national medical standards.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Eating Disorders: For You; For Your Practice

PRESENTED BY: Shelly Dilawri, OT Reg. (Ont.) and Ary Maharaj, M.Ed. RP (Qualifying)

  • What is disordered eating? Signs to watch for, causes, and co-occurring conditions.
  • Diet culture, weight stigma, and the importance of a weight-inclusive practice.
  • Navigating pathways to care for a client: making a warm referral and strategies for short-term work.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

En-AGE: New Challenges for An Older Worker

PRESENTED BY: Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Who is the older adult?
  • Why is work important?
  • Role of occupational therapists.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Give the Brain a Voice With VoxNeuro

PRESENTED BY: Dr. John F. Connolly, Dr. Kyle I. Ruiter, and Lori Desjardine, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Overview of the technology and cognitive scores.
  • Case studies.
  • Working with a VoxNeuro Test Center.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

How Can OTs Manage the Risks Associated With Virtual Care?

PRESENTED BY: Andrew Spencer, RIBO, Account Executive, PROLINK

  • How can OTs provide professional and ethical virtual care?
  • Professional liability risks.
  • Risk management tips and strategies.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Office Ergonomics for OTs - Virtual Workshop

PRESENTED BY: Nancy Gowan, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • 5 hours in duration presented in 4 parts.
  • Understanding the process of assessing a workstation (office-based setting).
  • Determining the most appropriate workstation setup based on the assessment and the current research.
  • Understanding the tools used in ergonomics.
  • Ergonomics with new technology.
  • Transitions in the workplace that impact ergonomics.
  • Participants receive a workbook with resources including evidence based assessment tools.

Non-Member Price: 115.00
Member price: 90.00

OT and Psychotherapy: Exciting Times Ahead!

PRESENTED BY: Laura Stanley, OT Reg. (Ont.), Psychotherapist, Theresa Bernard, OT Reg. (Ont.), Psychotherapist and Anya Choulsky, OT Reg. (Ont.), Psychotherapist

  • An overview of the Increasing Access to Structured Psychotherapy Program at CAMH.
  • Practice resources related to assessment, treatment and supervision with clinicians.
  • Why occupational therapists are well suited for formal structured psychotherapy roles.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Residential Rehab for TBI: How It Works and Why It Works

PRESENTED BY: Colleen Boyce, Director, Bayshore NRIO, and Jessica Stengel, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • What a residential rehabilitation program is.
  • What assessments are done in this context and how it differs from other practice settings.
  • What intervention looks like in a residential setting.
  • The costs associated to support life care plans.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Return to Work Strategies for Complex Situations

PRESENTED BY: Nancy J Gowan, BHsc (OT), OT Reg (ON), CDMP, President Gowan Consulting

  • 3 hours in duration presented in 3 parts.
  • Legal and business reasons for RTW.
  • Principles and evidence informed best practices for RTW.
  • Communication and negotiation for sustainable RTW.

Non-Member Price: 115.00
Member price: 85.00

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Disability Benefits

PRESENTED BY: Yoni Silberman, Partner, Bogoroch & Associates LLP

  • Canada Pension Plan Disability Support Program, Ontario Disability Support Program, Ontario Works.
  • Disability claims.
  • Long-term disability claims in the age of COVID-19.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

The Role of Occupational Therapy and the WSIB - PART 1

PRESENTED BY: Janet Gleason, OT Reg. (Ont.), Professional Practice Leader, Occupational Therapy, Health Services Branch (WSIB)

  • Provides a brief history of the WSIB.
  • Describes the role of the OT within the WSIB, more specifically:

    • Within the Serious Injury Service.
    • As Independent Living Consultants.
    • As Work Transition Specialists.
    • As Return To Work Specialists.
    • As Quality Management Specialists.
    • As Healthy Wellness Centre.

    Non-Member Price: 25.00
    Member price: 0.00

The Role of Occupational Therapy and the WSIB - PART 2

PRESENTED BY: Janet Gleason, OT Reg. (Ont.), Professional Practice Leader, Occupational Therapy, Health Services Branch (WSIB)

  • Understand the role and opportunities for OTs as external providers.
  • For example, these can be community-based OTs who are on the WSIB 'Preferred Provider List':

    • Conducting Independent Living Assessments.
    • Consulting for Driver Rehabilitation.
    • Providing Therapeutic Interventions.
    • Working in Programs of Care.
    • Working in Specialty Clinics, or Regional Evaluation Centres.

    Non-Member Price: 50.00
    Member price: 25.00

Using the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure
to Enhance Client-Centred Care and Outcomes

PRESENTED BY: Anne W. Hunt, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.) Assistant Professor Teaching Stream, University of Toronto Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy

  • Outcome measurement.
  • Client-centred practice.
  • Clinical practice.

Non-Member Price: 50.00
Member price: 25.00

Virtual Reality in Occupational Therapy

PRESENTED BY: Kelly Wendt, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Learn about the benefit of virtual reality for cognitive, physical, and psychological impairment.
  • Investigate specific products/games, their application, and funding considerations.
  • Explore case examples of use.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Workplace Mental Health: Opportunities and Resources for OTs

PRESENTED BY: Ceilidh Cunningham, OT Reg. (Ont.) and Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia, OT Reg. (Ont.), PhD, FRSA, University of Toronto

  • Describe the landscape of workplace mental health and the need for occupational therapy.
  • Reflect on "a day-in-the-life" of occupational therapists working within this sector.
  • Access resources designed by and for OTs to support entry to workplace mental health practice.
  • Access a network of OTs working in this sector.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00


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